Sunday, June 26, 2011

Food is My Friend

So, my husband sometimes refers to himself as the Baby Whisperer.  Ok.  In some situations, he's got a gift, I'm not gonna lie.  When it comes to food, I don't believe he has the whisper.
We started solids as soon as we got home from Ethiopia last week and soon found that our chunky boy is not too keen on eating them.  He will projectile spit them across the kitchen to show his absolute aversion for anything on a spoon.  He will literally spit anything from oatmeal to applesauce and then laugh.  Yes, it sounds like a game, doesn't it?
Steve decided to try one of his baby whisperer techniques this evening while sitting down to dinner:  just give him the spoon and the dish of food.  Steve called this particular baby technique, "Food is my friend."  His theory was that if he was able to play with his food he wouldn't feel the need to spit it across the dinner table.    Personally, I was not a supporter of this bright idea, but what could I say?  This is our second child; I don't feel the fear of "Oh my gosh, you can't do that!"  What resulted was exactly what I expected:  a big, freaking mess.
Ya know, it was worth the laugh.  It made dinner a bit more exciting.  The clean up was insane, but how could you not love that face?
We went back down memory lane with Alex and what a messy eater she was (and still is).  The difference with her is that she LOVED everything we put in front of her and still does.  So, we may have a picky eater on our hands.  He won't be the only child who's not particularly fond of spinach and peas.  It's all good.
I just love my babies so much and love their funny similarities and differences.  It's wonderful to have two kiddos at the dinner table to talk and laugh with.  I can't wait for more moments like these.  What a blessing!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Momma's Boy

Being a mommy has its perks.  Tonight was definitely one of those defining moments.  I met a few of my pals at the Fort Grille for cheesecake this evening.  I dutifully left Steve with Jesse's set up:  towel in place for after his bath, lotion ready, pjs laid out, bottle made and ready to go.  Since Jesse Getiso has been home, we've definitely fallen into a routine at night:
5pm: dinner
5:30-6:15:  play
6:30: bath
7pm:  bottle and bed

It's been like clockwork.  Our little guy dutifully falls asleep while drinking his bottle and curls up in his crib, no questions asked.  Tonight, I walked into the house at 8:25 pretty much expecting my boy to be out like a light and Alex getting ready for bed.  Uh, nope.
I came in through the garage, entered the living room with Alex drinking a huge glass of Diet Coke (yes, caffeinated), and Steve sprawled on the floor with Jesse's toys all over the place with Jesse sitting straight up watching Nickelodeon.
Apparently I missed the text, while I was laughing like a hyena with my friends over yummy cheesecake for a stolen hour, that stated:  Jesse pooped so far up his back that it's in his hair.  Whoops.
Anyway, I enter the living room, see the madness that erupted, and say, "Jesse Getiso."  My handsome boy looks up at me, literally claps his hands once (as if saying, "finally!), and lifts his arms up to me.  I picked up my beautiful bundle and within 60 seconds of debriefing with Steve, he falls asleep in my arms.
Steve looked at him and said, "he was definitely waiting for you."
I love my little man so much.
On the other side, my Alex was up last night vomiting while Jesse decided to have a two hour play time at 2 am. Juggling that was a new experience on many levels, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Alex, thankfully yet humorously, woke up this morning wanting a chocolate muffin.  It's crazy how kids bounce back from things like an all night vomiting stint.
Jesse had his first doctor's visit today, and he weighed and measured in the 85th percentile; how's that for representin' Ethiopia?!!!!  It goes to show how much love and care he received at Hannah's Hope.  I'm so thankful!  We're still working on his ear infection, but the doctor said he looked healthy and on target developmentally.  Yay!!!
Again, my gratitude to God is more than words can say.  As my baby boy snoozes in his crib and my daughter attempts to negotiate one more show before she has to go to bed against her wishes, I am SO thankful to be this mommy to my beautiful children.  Amen.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We have been home for four days now; four blissful days.  I cannot tell you how wonderful it feels to have both of my kiddos together, in one place, finally.  Jesse Getiso Craig has been an absolute dream boat.  He smiles, laughs, eats, sleeps; he's even on a schedule.  I remember one of my sleepless nights in Ethiopia last week stressing about Jesse's days and nights being flipped when we got back to the states...not my man!
Alex is the best big sister, and Jesse can't get enough of her!  She loves to hold him, watch him, play with him, and he thinks she's the best think ever.  Unfortunately, Alex came down with some kind of stomach flu this evening, and I'm praying that I didn't bring something back from Africa to make her ill.  She's sleeping now, and I hope she wakes up as her spunky self.
I wish I had more to say, but I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine; I'm so grateful to be here, right now.  I'm just so incredibly grateful to all of our friends and family who have surrounded us with love and prayers through these two years to bring home our boy.  I'm grateful for our Alex, who through thick and thin, has stuck with us.  I'm thankful for the friends who have called me since we've been home to see if Alex would like to hang out, so she's not too bored cocooning!
Father God,
I can't help but to rejoice and be grateful for all of You've done.  We are celebrating and giving You all of the glory.  These past two years have been quite a ride, and I know that You were guiding us every step of the way.  Thank You.  Please bless my children and help Steve and I to be the best parents for them.  Help us to be humble, to listen for Your Spirit, and love as Your Son loves us.  Help us to be good friends as our friends have been for us.  Lord, please be with our new friends who traveled with us to Ethiopia to bring our children home.  Please be with the children and families who are not yet united and those who are newly united, forming those amazing bonds.  Thank You, Lord, for places like Hannah's Hope, who has loved my baby and so many others until I got there; they are angels, Lord and please continue to bless their ministry in the face of so much adversity.  You are amazing, Lord.  Thank You, thank You, thank You.
In Jesus' name I pray.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Can't Sleep

So, I'm officially excited out of my mind.  One would know this because of two things:  1.  I can't sleep (Ergo, the post in the middle of the night.)  2.  I'm not hungry.  These are two of my most favorite things:  sleeping and eating.  Well, not today!
We received word that we're cleared for travel through the US Embassy in Addis Ababa and will be leaving on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday to bring home our little boy.  Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!  I finished up my last meeting at school yesterday and was ready to roll!  I have shopping lists, much to Steve's chagrin, and packing lists, etc...  I have a mountain of laundry to conquer, clothes to pack for Ms. Alex, schedules and phone numbers to gather for her, etc...  I've never been happier to have so much to do!
I'm thrilled to be communicating with the nine other families from our first trip, and we're all praying to be together again a world away as one big happy family again, this time with our babies in our arms for good!  It's obvious to me that God intended for Steve and I to be with these families on this leg of our journey. (By the way, guys, we need a nickname or something; we'll work on this!)
Alex is creating clay letters for Jesse's room, much like the ones she received to match her Winnie the Pooh themed room when she was a baby.  She's colored signs welcoming him home and is excited about running errands with me this week...Wow!  I love her so much!
My amazing (and I do mean amazing) in laws are ready once again with utter joy to care for Alex for another week.  By the way, have you met my in laws?  Have I mentioned how amazing they are!  I love them dearly!
Plane itineraries are ready to book as soon as we hear word on our Embassy Day exactly.  It has all come together, and I am nothing short of humbled.
I wish there was more that I could do to show my appreciation for everyone who has been on this ride with us.  I hope you all know how grateful I am for each and every one of you.  Our family is so blessed.
Father God,
Thank You for all of this.  Thank You for the celebration of this moment and the sleepless nights!  Thank You for all of the friends and family whom You've surrounded us with.  Thank You for Your Sovereignty.   You have taught me to trust and listen more deeply than I ever did.  Forgive me where I've messed up because there have been moments where my emotions certainly got the best of me, but You have always been right there with grace.  I'm in awe.  Bless our family: Steve, Alex, and Jesse, and many others.  Bless our friends.  I humbly pray this in Jesus' name.  Amen.
