Monday, June 6, 2011

Can't Sleep

So, I'm officially excited out of my mind.  One would know this because of two things:  1.  I can't sleep (Ergo, the post in the middle of the night.)  2.  I'm not hungry.  These are two of my most favorite things:  sleeping and eating.  Well, not today!
We received word that we're cleared for travel through the US Embassy in Addis Ababa and will be leaving on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday to bring home our little boy.  Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!  I finished up my last meeting at school yesterday and was ready to roll!  I have shopping lists, much to Steve's chagrin, and packing lists, etc...  I have a mountain of laundry to conquer, clothes to pack for Ms. Alex, schedules and phone numbers to gather for her, etc...  I've never been happier to have so much to do!
I'm thrilled to be communicating with the nine other families from our first trip, and we're all praying to be together again a world away as one big happy family again, this time with our babies in our arms for good!  It's obvious to me that God intended for Steve and I to be with these families on this leg of our journey. (By the way, guys, we need a nickname or something; we'll work on this!)
Alex is creating clay letters for Jesse's room, much like the ones she received to match her Winnie the Pooh themed room when she was a baby.  She's colored signs welcoming him home and is excited about running errands with me this week...Wow!  I love her so much!
My amazing (and I do mean amazing) in laws are ready once again with utter joy to care for Alex for another week.  By the way, have you met my in laws?  Have I mentioned how amazing they are!  I love them dearly!
Plane itineraries are ready to book as soon as we hear word on our Embassy Day exactly.  It has all come together, and I am nothing short of humbled.
I wish there was more that I could do to show my appreciation for everyone who has been on this ride with us.  I hope you all know how grateful I am for each and every one of you.  Our family is so blessed.
Father God,
Thank You for all of this.  Thank You for the celebration of this moment and the sleepless nights!  Thank You for all of the friends and family whom You've surrounded us with.  Thank You for Your Sovereignty.   You have taught me to trust and listen more deeply than I ever did.  Forgive me where I've messed up because there have been moments where my emotions certainly got the best of me, but You have always been right there with grace.  I'm in awe.  Bless our family: Steve, Alex, and Jesse, and many others.  Bless our friends.  I humbly pray this in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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